Welcome to the Arvada RFC Lions Den

Where Rugby is more then just a Team Sport, it's a life lesson.......

The Lions......

The game of rugby consist of multiple individuals working together toward a common goal.  This can be represented not only on the field but off the field.  A lion hunts in a pack.  That pack works together to accomplish a task.  The pack no matter their differences, put aside their beliefs for benefit of the team.

There is a Team in the UK/Ireland that come together despite their diversity and travel the world playing other teams and cultures.  This team is known as the British/Irish Lions.  For a group of individuals with contrasting beliefs to come together for the love of a game and to bond on a goal, is the definition of rugby.

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The Logo

When you see the logo for Arvada RFC you might just look and say "its cool" but its more then it appears.  If you look close there are 5 sides to the shield.  Each side represents the 5 schools in the city of Arvada.  This team will represent Pomona HS, Arvada HS, Faith Christian HS, Arvada West HS, and Ralston Valley HS.  This team will, in a world that is changing rapidly, bring together the youth in the Arvada area and allow for a positive change. 

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About Coach Nolan

I spent a majority of my life playing sports, interacting with others and educating myself on how to approach "getting the best" out of an individual and a team.  I'll be the first to admit I've made mistakes in the past with coaching style, technique and decisions on the field.  From those mistakes have increased my growth in rugby knowledge, correction in coaching techniques, and intelligence in decision making.  I would like to share my wisdom and coaching philosophy with the youth of our community.

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Coach Nolan's Philosophy

I serve the community of Arvada within the Arvada Police Department.  I have the privilege of interacting with the public everyday.  I see more and more everyday a need for OWNERSHIP, ACCOUNTABILITY and TRUST.  These will be the three pillars the Arvada Lions RFC will learn to live by. 

To reach these goals I have been formally educated with a Master Degree in Sports Coaching by the University of Northern Colorado in 2014.  Each athlete has their own unique way of processing information, in a basic sense their "input" affects their "output".  It will be my privilege and the other coaching staff team members to have the ability to find the best approach to achieve a level of high performance on an individual and team level.

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The Team of Lions

These will be the future of Arvada RFC

Coach Nolan

Head Coach and President

Future Team Manager
